Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Do a little dance

As I was swimming yesterday, I over heard two ladies, who I always see, talking about two very serious issues that they were currently dealing with in their personal lives. It really threw me off considering they are two of the friendliest and seemingly happiest of the ladies that frequent the pool with me. It made me really think about that saying, you know that one, about everyone having skeletons in the closet.

It really is true. Everyone does have at least one guy chillin' behind their favorite cocktail dress or freshly pressed suit. It's just that every person deals quite differently. Some people keep those suckers locked up tight. Those are the people that you tend to usually hate because they trick you into believing that they have the perfect life with no skeletons to deal with at all. Then we have the people on the other side of the spectrum, the ones who obviously don't have enough storage space to keep their skeletons behind closed doors. Those are the people who tend to make their lack of ability to deal with their skeletons a teeny bit more obvious. And by teeny bit I mean that I have fully seen people out with their skeletons on the weekends, I've even served a skeleton a vodka on the rocks before, no joke. (They are an obnoxious crowd, to say the least) That, I think, is a bit extreme. I mean we all have enough trouble dealing with our own skeleton's b.s., I don't need to deal with yours while I'm working, or having a coffee, or relaxing on my day off. There is no need for you to parade your skeleton around town in hopes that other people might buy you two a drink to cheer you up or even offer your skeleton a place to stay.

 And then there are the third type of people, the ones who deal with their skeletons on their own time, for the most part, but sometimes take them out for a short stroll to give them some air, or when they need to vacuum up the dust bunnies on their closet floor. Those are the people who got it right, I think. Sometimes those skeletons can get to be quite a handful, sometimes they get a bit restless and cranky when you keep em cooped up for too long, sometimes we all need a hand or some advice on how to properly rear a skeleton.

Don't you think everyone would be a better person if they knew the right way to raise a skeleton? I think the world would be a better place. For instance, they wouldn't take up our bar tables and disrupt us at work, we wouldn't have to make awkward small talk with skeletons on rare nights out with our girlfriends, we would probably all receive less calls where we are unexpectedly put on conference with others' skeletons and we would be much less envious of some of our peers.

So this is what I propose. I think that we should all get into the habit of letting our skeletons out, maybe if it is even just once a month, for a night out on the town. Loosen them up a little, get them a little tipsy, maybe. We could dress them up in top hats and bow ties and take them dancing. We could merengue and salsa and cha cha. We would have a bit of fun with our pesky old skeletons: eat a nice meal, share a few laughs, do a little jig and drink a whole lot of tequila. We could play a game or six of flip cup, show our skeletons who is really boss.

Maybe we could even bond a bit.

Maybe our skeleton could teach us a thing or two about ourselves, our strengths, our limits. Maybe we could learn to see a new side of our skeletons, a better side, a side that makes us a little less hesitant to open up that closet door when we know we have to re-organize our wardrobe...

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