Sunday, October 11, 2009

Julie and Julia? Or Liana and Giada?

I went to go watch Julie and Julia last weekend. Warning: definitely not a good idea to watch this if your a foodie, or at least a broke foodie, such as myself. I thought the movie was adorable...but all it did was 1) make me hungry and 2) make me want to copy Julie's cooking challenge. Soooo, 40 dollars a new Giada de Laurentiis cookbook later, I decided to do just that. However, on a smaller scale. Julie challenged herself to cook all of 500-and-something recipes in the Julia Child cookbook in one year. My challenge? Cook all of the recipes (I believe there's about a hundred) in Giada's newest Italian cookbook-Giada's Kitchen. My reasoning behind this? I need to learn how to cook. The domestic woman's gene in me is slowly surfacing. My motivation? My desire to become a professional entertainer and cocktail party thrower in combination with my love for Giada, Italian food, and the modern miracles she works on authentic recipes. My test subjects? My mom (her talent in the kitchen will make her a tough critic), my boyfriend (his stomach is already doing hunger flips of excitement) and my sister (I'm sure her nit-picking will make its way through some of the dishes). I'll keep you posted on my progress, but I'm sorry to say, that unlike Julia Child's book, none of these recipes will involve me killing live lobsters.

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